During times of adversity and hardship, the community of La Mirada demonstrates an exceptional ability to unite in support of those in need.

This solidarity was evident Sunday as families, individuals, and community members gathered in front of La Mirada City Hall, a symbol of local governance and unity, for a prayer vigil organized by Temple Beth Ohr/La Mirada to show support for Israel.

The day brought about one hundred individuals together from various backgrounds and faiths, all joined in expressing their shared hopes for peace in the tumultuous region of the Middle East.

La Mirada is a diverse and close-knit community, with many residents sharing a connection to the events unfolding in Israel whether through family ties, friendship, or shared values. The prayer vigil became a poignant symbol of their support and compassion during a time of conflict and sorrow.

The interfaith nature of this event emphasized the power of unity in times of crisis.

Temple Beth Ohr Rabbi Emeritus Mark Goldfarb addresses the gathering during the Prayer Vigil for Israel at the La Mirada Civic Center Plaza on October 15, 2023 | Photo: Grace Suphamark

Leaders representing both Jewish and Christian backgrounds spoke to share their messages of hope for peace in the region. Speakers included La Mirada Mayor Steve De Ruse, as well as Rabbi Len Muroff and Rabbi Emeritus Mark Goldfarb from Temple Beth Ohr, Rabbi Daniel Mehlman of Temple Ner Tamid of Downey, Pastor Jack Miranda of Living Faith Church, Pastor Paige Eaves of United Methodist Church, and Pastor Ralph Miley of Foursquare Church.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a long-standing and deeply complex geopolitical dispute that revolves around the historical claims and competing national aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East. Numerous attempts have been made to find a comprehensive and lasting peace agreement, but it remains an elusive goal.

This prolonged conflict has led to considerable suffering, loss of life, and the displacement of both Israelis and Palestinians. The historical narratives and perspectives surrounding this conflict are deeply interwoven with the national identities of both parties, making it a challenging issue to address.

The prayer vigil in La Mirada aimed to transcend these complexities and bring people together in a spirit of unity and compassion. It reminded us that, despite the intricacies of the conflict, there is an essential need for empathy, hope, and support. It served as a beacon of hope in a world that can often seem overwhelmed by divisions and adversity.


We apologize. We had some technical difficulties with the above video and unfortunately missed some of the ending. for more information visit youtube.com/lamira...